I know that having a husband in medical school and now residency has left me having to go a more non-traditional route to get into shape. During medical school we couldn’t afford a gym membership and I had my kids to take care of all day so I had to come up with some way for me to get into shape with them. I found that I could get a really good workout in by running and it was way cheaper than a gym membership! I loved that I could be outside and with my kids while being fit and active. I also loved that, in those rare chances where I could get a run in alone, that I could have some me time and relax while running. You would be amazed at what all you can think though while going for a run! My love for running grew and I started pushing myself harder and running in races to help me reach goals. There is nothing like paying someone money when you don’t have much to spend to motivate you to run hard and make it count!
Which brings me to what I have to giveaway! Cait Chock is a runner who is also a writer and a designer. She has some awesome t-shirts that you should check out on her site. She has published several articles and now an e-book to help you get over the mental block that prevents you from pushing yourself harder during workouts and races. She has some great ideas in the book like setting goals, using a mantra, finding “the zone”, and the lies we tell our legs to keep them moving. She also interviewed 3 top runners for her book, Sarah Hall (Sarah runs for Asics and has a laundry list of incredible accomplishments), Jason Hartmann (This guy won the Twin Cities Marathon in ’09 and placed 4th at the Boston Marathon that last 2 years in a row), and Sarah Brown (Who runs for New Balance and has been winning National Championships since High School).
Even if you aren’t a seriously competitive runner this book is a great tool to help you find different methods to push your limits. I think some of these strategies could be applied to most workouts so everyone benefits from reading this book! I know that I have used and currently use several of these ideas in my workouts and boy do they work! This book really motivates me to make some new goals and to push myself even further and I cannot wait to see what I can accomplish.
For your chance to win a copy of Cait’s book leave me a comment telling me what your Get Active goals are. Who knows maybe you can find another Medical Partner member with similar goals and you guys can work together to achieve them!
If you are interested in purchasing your own copy of Effective Mental Strategy: Race Better by Outthinking your Brain by Cait Chock you can head on over to her website www.caitchock.com. You can also check out all of the other articles she has written on her website as well!