Upcoming Philanthropy Events:
Sunday, September 7th: Ronald McDonald House (cleaning) at 9:00 AM
Sunday, September 21st: Alzheimer's Run
Happy Friday! Today is our final Who's Who and we would like to introduce Abby and Amy our Philanthropy Officers. ![]() Hi! I'm Amy Nicholson and this is my second year as the philanthropy co-chair. My husband, Nate, is in his third year of Orthopaedic residency. We are both from Iowa and did our undergrad at the University of Iowa where we met. Nate worked as a night manager at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) and I was a volunteer. This is one reason I hold the RMH so near and dear to my heart. We continued on at the University of Iowa for grad school, he attended medical school and I attended the pharmacy school. I work part time at an independent pharmacy south of Iowa City. We have one son, Luke, who is 18 mths and full of energy! When I'm not busy with work I like to spend as much time outside as possible running, biking, weeding, you name it we are always outside and on the go! IMP has been a great community resource for different organizations to contact if they are in need of volunteers. I have enjoyed rounding up volunteers and helping out myself. So keep an eye out for opportunities and volunteer! ![]() Hello! My name is Abby Carpenter and I am the Philanthropy Co-chair. My husband is a 3rd year Internal Medicine resident and we are from Kansas City, MO. I work in Career Services for the Full-Time MBA Program at the University of Iowa and absolutely love my job! In my free time I like to shop downtown at the ped mall, spend time with friends and make occasional road trips back to MO. No kiddos yet, but we do have the most adorable dog named Jobin! I look forward to meeting more members and hope you all are enjoying Iowa City and Iowa Medical Partners! Oh, and go Hawkeyes!!! Upcoming Philanthropy Events: Sunday, September 7th: Ronald McDonald House (cleaning) at 9:00 AM Sunday, September 21st: Alzheimer's Run I hope you all get a chance to spend some time with Abby and Amy. Thanks for all that you do for IMP ladies!
We have a winner! The winner of the super cute, one of a kind Hawkeye dress is ...
Emily Dowdle!! Congrats Emily! Shoot me an email ([email protected]) and I will set you up with Eliza at Darling Bella Boutique. The rest of you, go check out all of the cute Hawkeye dresses available at Itsy Bitsy and coming soon to the Children's Museum Made Market (Sept. 14th at Brown Deer Golf Course)! Thank you Darling Bella Boutique! With the start of the school year and a new year of residency starting, it feels like I can finally get back on schedule. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I function much better when I have a plan. I feel like if I have a schedule of what I have planned to do during the day and my goals that I want to accomplish for the day I am more likely to get it all done. To make a schedule it helps to start by making a list of everything that you need to accomplish for the day; meetings, appointments, house work goals, workouts, etc. Sometimes it helps if you can assign times to do each thing on your list. ![]() For example, my list looks something like this: 6:00 Wake Up 7:00 Breakfast for Kids/ Run on Treadmill 8:15 Drop Rilyn off at School 9:00 Clean up breakfast mess and sweep floor 11:00 Lunch 12:00 Take Casen to School 12:30 Twins Nap Time/ Workout 1:30 Clean house Monday: Bathrooms, Mop Tuesday: Vacuum, Dust Wednesday: Mop, Scrub Kitchen Thursday: Vacuum, Dust Friday: Bathrooms, Mop 3:00 Pick up Casen and Rilyn from School 3:30 Homework 5:00 Dinner 6:00 Clean the Kitchen/Dishes 6:30 Bath time 7:30 Twins Bedtime 8:00 Big Kids Bedtime 9:00 Work on Blog ![]() Obviously, some days my schedule goes crazy and I get nothing done but that’s life. It may be helpful to pay attention to how long things usually take you to do and then adjust your schedule. It helps to make my schedule a week at a time so I can plan out what is going to happen during the week. I also have my “Chore Chart” on the fridge right next to my kids’. It makes it easier to follow my schedule and helps me remember my goals to see them. I also have a big planner that sits on my counter that I write everything down in. Yes, I know my phone has a calendar and a planner in it, but I trust the old fashion way. And if you promise not to judge I’ll even admit that I have 2 planners, one for me and my family and one for all of my Medical Partners stuff. I’ve attempted to color coordinate my calendar (each family member gets a color) but then it just got crazy so I just have to write every ones name REALLY BIG before their activity. For me, Life just seems to run much smoother with a plan. I hope my scheduling idea can help your life run a little smoother. Maybe you can use your schedule to get things done so you can have more time to spend with your partner when they finally get those couple of hours to spend with you. Maybe it will help you focus on your family instead of all of those things you have to do. Have a great start to a new year (isn’t it funny that our new years start mid year in the medical field – Maybe that means we get to have 2 big parties a year)! Who is ready for the Hawkeye Football season to start! To help you get pumped up and geared up for the start of the season we have a super awesome, one of a kind, Hawkeye Dress for you to win for that special little girl in your life! Eliza at Darling Bella (and one of our very own IMP members!) has offered up one of her hand made dresses to our winner. These dresses are one of a kind a made from recycled Hawkeye shirts. She has several different styles and has sizes ranging from 6-12 months up to 5T. Every dress is unique and special and what little girl wouldn't want one. Lets face it, in Iowa City you have to have some Hawkeye gear, especially on game day, or your not going o fit in. If you would like to see Eliza's dresses in person and maybe pick a couple up for the princesses in your life you can see them at Itsy Bitsy and at the Made Market, September 14th at Brown Deer Golf Course from 1-4. You can see all of the cute things that Eliza makes on her Facebook page and her Etsy shop. Go support your fellow IMP member and check out her neat kid stuff! To enter this giveaway leave a comment telling me what your favorite game day tradition is and how many Hawkeye games you have been to! We will pick our winner next Wednesday (the 27th) just in time for Fry Fest and the start of the season. GO HAWKEYES!
![]() When someone chooses to go into the medical field, the reality of how much time and effort goes into that career is not at the front of their mind or something that they really can understand until they are experiencing it. Being in a relationship with someone who chooses this field also means that you will experience the sometimes harsh reality of sharing your partner with the hospital. My husband and I got married in the early years of college and by the time he graduated from medical school we had lived in 4 different cities in 2 different states (Arizona and Pennsylvania) and had added 4 members to our family (when he graduated we had a 6 year old, 2 year old, and 10 week old twins). I had the mentality that I had survived 4 years of undergrad with him working full time and going to school full time, plus 4 years of med school with the crazy hours of studying, residency will be a piece of cake. Boy was I in for a rude awakening! So far residency has been full of surprises, some good and some not so good, but we are making it work the best way we can for our family. I, with the help of the other Medical Partners officers, have come up with some ideas to help you make the most of residency. First things first, BE POSTIVE! Your attitude can change everything. Some good ways to try to stay positive are to focus on the time that you do have together rather than when you don’t get to see each other. Try not to have too high of expectation for your partner. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst will help you not get too frustrated when you have to wait an extra hour for your partner to get home or have to cancel plans because of a work emergency. Remember that your partner has about as much control over their schedule as you do over the weather. Find a strong support system. A lot of people end up far away from home for residency (my husband and I are from Arizona, which is where all of our family lives) so we need to create our own “families” and develop meaningful friendships that will help us make it through the hard times. Those friends can be an outlet to get support or just to vent which can help you be positive so you’re not always unloading on your partner. Those friends can be there to come over and have a girl’s night when your partner is working nights or to step up to watch your kids so you can make it to doctor appointments or what not. Your friends can help you make new traditions when your partner isn’t around for holidays and you’re not able to make it home. And remember that your support system doesn’t have to just be other people married to the medical field. Try not to focus too much on the future. If you are only focused on what is going to happen after residency you may miss all of the great things that are happening now. When I think back to medical school I remember having lots of conversations with my friends about what we would do after all of the schooling and training was done but we had some amazing times living in the moment. We are trying to continue that same mentality now too. While having goals for after all of the training is done is a good thing, remember that there are lots of good and fun things that are happening now. Make time for each other. Set aside time for dates or just to be together as often as you can. If you have kids find a reliable babysitter and try to have a set schedule so its easier to go on your date night. Consider your date nights an investment in your relationship. Remember that dates don’t have to cost money. Sometimes just doing something different together counts as a date, like walking through the ped mall or going to watch the sunset at the beach or watching a movie on the couch. Being together is what counts. Connect with your partner. It is important to constantly work on your relationship and not get lazy. Make sure that you are communicating honestly and openly. Let each other know what you need in order to be your best self. Try to talk everyday, even if it is through text or email. Make sure you say “I love you” and don’t forget to give your partner a hug and a kiss. The physical connection is important too. You and your partner need to love and support each other to make it thought the hard times and come out stronger on the other end. Here are some of my family's highlights of residency so far Hopefully you can use some of these tips to help you not just “survive” residency but to thrive and make the most of it. There are also some other great articles out there if you want to read more. I recommend reading 10 things I learned surviving my husband’s surgery residency by Kim Blackham. Kim also has a Facebook page dedicated to the partners of people in the medical field that can be a source of support and new ideas. Another great article written from a male prospective is Top Ten Tips for Surviving Residency - From a Male Medical Spouse and Father. Surviving the Medical Marriage by Kristen Math is another good one. Basically just google search "surviving spouses residency" and there is a huge number of blog posts, articles, and even books about the journey we are on. Just know that you are not alone and that in Medical Partners we are all here for each other!
We had such a fun night at Blackstone last Tuesday. Thank you all for coming out to join us and a big Thank You to Jess for setting it up and Blackstone for having us! Good Morning Everyone! Today we get to meet Molly, our Book Club Officer, and Allie, our Play Group Officer. Take it away Ladies! ![]() Hello! I'm Molly Daniel and I am the Book Club chair. My husband Jared is in his fifth year of Orthopeadic residency...we are down to only 10.5 months left! I've been in Medical Partners since the first summer we moved here and I couldn't be more grateful for this group. Jared and I just celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. We have three girls: Madison (13), Claire (10) and Abigail (2.5). We both grew up on a farm in NW Iowa and met in high school. We graduated from high school, got married and went off to college with Madison all in the same summer. We spent eight years in South Dakota for under-grad and med school. My degree is in Advertising and I worked for four years in an advertising agency as a media buyer. I'm currently a stay-at-home mom and I do part-time daycare. I LOVE to cook. I LOVE to eat. I just really LOVE food. After residency we are off to Toronto, Canada for his fellowship in Pediatric Orthopeadics, yep Canada! We are hoping to settle in the Midwest as our parents are going to farm until they die. We feel so blessed to be here at the U and hope you love it as much as we have! ![]() Hi! I am Allie Hart Buckwalter and this is my second year as the play group chairperson. My husband, Jody, is in his fourth year of Orthopaedic residency. My husband grew up in Iowa City, and his parents and many childhood friends still live here. I grew up in Southern California, attended Duke University for undergrad, went to Northwestern for law school, and practiced law in San Diego for four years before deciding to stay at home with my kids. We now have three children: Joseph is five, Levi is almost three and Isla is four months old. IMP has been a great resource for entertaining the kids through the childrens' activities and play groups. I organize two play groups a month, and usually we meet at parks, splash pads, libraries, indoor play areas and rec centers. As the weather gets colder, I will also plan some play groups at members' homes. Please let me know if you are willing to host a play group. I look forward to meeting more of you and your families this year! Thank you guys for all that you do. I know that Molly and Allie try really hard to switch up days and times every month so that everyone has a chance to make it to the events. Go check them out and have some fun if you can!
What a great day! We are so excited to welcome our new members. Thanks again to North Star for sponsoring this event. The kids had a blast with face painting and balloons by Rusty Jones and Wanda Young , and we all enjoyed the yummy catering by Noodles and Company. Thanks for coming ! Another great activity swimming and playing on the playground at Kent Park! Thanks to everyone for coming out, it was a lot of fun. It was also so nice to meet some of the new members ! Our Back to School Giveaway is now over and it is time to announce our winners! I used a random number generator to find our 2 winners. Without further ado... our winners are... Molly Daniel and Sara Tailounie! Congratulations Ladies! Here is what you have won... Molly you have won a backpack from Our Monogram Boutique, a lunchbox, a set of lunchbox notes from Kennedy Lane Designs, a hair bow from Jamie Walpole, and a skirt from ShelleyBee Originals! Sara you have won a backpack from Libby's Sisters, a lunchbox from 3 Doodle Bugs, a set of lunchbox notes from Paper Krazy Creations, and a gift certificate to Littlest Prince Couture. Shoot me an email and we will figure out how to get your prizes to you. [email protected] Congrats and a HUGE thank you to all of our very generous donors. Make sure to go check out their sites!
We had meet the teacher night tonight and I don't know about you guys but it sure got me thinking about what my kids are going to wear on their first day back to school! I always loved getting new clothes for school when I was growing up and now I love taking my kids shopping for their new clothes. The last thing I have to add to our AWESOME Back to School giveaway is clothes and some fun hair bows! ![]() The first company I wanted to tell you about that is donating a gift certificate is Littlest Prince Couture. It is run by my friend Tamara and she started it because after she had her little boy she realized that the selection for cute, affordable boy clothes were very limited. She has worked so hard and really grown her shop. It is an online boutique full of clothes and accessories just for boys. How awesome is that?!? She has a huge selection of clothes to check out that are perfect for any occasion, like the start of school. She even has fun things you can personalize. And she has jeans that she can dye any color you want. How cool! Go and check out Littlest Prince and see what fun things you can find for the little men in your lives. ![]() The second company I want to tell you about is ShelleyBee Originals. ShelleyBee is run by my amazingly talented sister-in-law, Shelley and she has offered to donated a skirt to our winner. Shelley makes amazingly cute skirts and dresses for ladies and girls. If you are in the market for a super comfy and cute pencil skirt you should totally look her up! My daughter and I have a huge collection of ShelleyBee skirts and we LOVE them. You can check out her skirts on her facebook page, etsy shop, or on instagram. And last but certainly not least, our own Jamie Walpole has donated some AMAZINGLY cute bows for our winners to choose. My daughter and I had way too much fun playing beauty parlor so we could take pictures of the bows. They are all too cute and will look awesome with pretty much anything. We are going to have some lucky winners! If you want to talk to Jamie about getting a bow of your own you can email her or check out her facebook page and see all the cute bows she can make! Remember that the giveaway closes tomorrow morning at 10! Don't forget to enter to win here by leaving me a comment! Good luck!
![]() We have been so lucky to have so many amazing businesses support Iowa Medical Partners this year! Cute Sara from Chalkolate Cake has been exceptionally generous and donated one of our door prizes for the welcome brunch, a personalized sign from her etsy shop Chalkolate Cake. Well, she has yet again donated another giveaway for a blog post- back to school giveaway! When Sara and I first chatted she told me she would make me a sign for me to review. I chose to have one made for my brother in law who got married last week. It turned out amazing! I gave her all of the little details, and she did the rest! I put it in a gorgeous frame and it really was the perfect addition to our gift. Sara also makes back to school signs (SEE BELOW) which can be personalized for any child, gender, and grade! They are so darn cute and would be so fun to have your child pose with for his/her first day of school picture. I think it would be fun to have it next to their picture at home and switch it out every year, then stick it in their scrapbook as they grow! WIN IT! So here is your chance to snag a personalized sign of your choice for your little one's back to school moment! All you have to do to enter is to comment below, telling us what you remember most about going "Back to School". You must also "like" Chalkolate Cake on Facebook if you have a FB account. Winner will be chosen on Monday, August 25th! BUY IT! Don't wanna wait to have this cute sign for back to school? Head on over to Chalkolate Cake on etsy and check out all of the fun things Sara can do for you. She is happy to do custom orders and also does birth announcements, weddings, etc. GOOD LUCK! Today we get to hear from the fun girls that run the Children's Activities, Jennifer Ring and Kathleen Linz. ![]() Hi all! I’m Jennifer, and I am co-chair of the Children’s Activities. This is my fifth year being a part of IMP and it just keeps getting better! I am currently a stay at home mom. I have my Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy and am a certified ballet instructor through the Cecchetti Council of America. I hope to return to these fields once residency is over and we are closer to family. My husband Dave is a fifth year general surgery resident and this will be our last year in Iowa- I will definitely miss it here! My husband and I are originally from South Dakota, and we will be returning next year so my husband can start his “real” job as a general surgeon. We have one daughter (with another on the way!) and one dog. We love hiking and biking and spending time outdoors. Sugar Bottom and Kent Park are a couple of our faves if you are looking for a close place to hike. I feel so lucky that Iowa has such an awesome network of people to connect with and honored to have been able to serve IMP as an office for the past year. It is all the members (you!) that make it so great! ![]() Hi guys! My name is Kathleen Linz. My husband Luke is in his second year of his Anesthesiology residency. We are both originally from Cincinnati, Ohio but lived in Michigan fwhile he attended medical school at Michigan State University. This is my first year as one of the children's officers for medical partners. I worked for six years as a Physical Therapist Assistant but have been a stay-at-home mom since we moved to Iowa a little over a year ago. We have three children: Miles is 4, Audrey is 2 and Leo is 9 months. We feel so lucky to be doing residency here! This is a really great area for young families and there's no shortage of things to keep me busy with the kids. We know we want to move back to Cincinnati in a few years when Luke finishes residency but I already know I'm going to really miss Iowa. I had no idea what to expect when we moved here last year so please come to me with any questions and I will do my best to answer them for you! We really love it here and I hope you will too! Thank you Ladies for all of your hard work on the activities. I know my kids have a blast at them!
Since lunchboxes were a part of our giveaway I thought we may need something special to put inside them. We have 2 super cute shops who have donated lunchbox notes for us! I don't know about you guys, but my daughter LOVES to take her lunch to school and my favorite part is putting a little note in there for her so these lunchbox notes will be perfect. ![]() First up we have some AMAZING handmade lunchbox notes from Paper Krazy Creations. Kyla is the owner and she is super talented. The notes she donated are heavy weight cardstock so they aren't going to be all messed up by lunchtime and she hand stamped each note. They are all unique and super fun. I love them! ![]() The second set up super cute notes come from Stephanie at Kennedy Lane Designs. She has some great digital files with way cute notes you can download and print whenever you need them. The ones she has donated have the very hungry caterpillar on them and some are blank so you can write your own special message. Remember that the giveaway closes Friday morning at 10:00 so head over to the original post and leave your comments!
Wow! With meet the teacher this week the start of school is just around the corner. Today I wanted to share with you guys the lunchbox that we had donated for this giveaway. We seriously got so lucky and have had some AWESOME people donate! ![]() Our lunch box comes from Angela at 3doodlebugs.com. She has a great lunchbox called the red lady bug tall cooler that our winner can personalize! The lunchbox is red with cute polka dots along the bottom. I love polka dots they are so fun! I don't know about you buy my kids forget everything everywhere and it makes life so much easier when their names are permanently attached to their things. Personalization for the win! 3Doodle Bugs has a huge selection of colors and fonts to choose from. You can also do a name or just have initials monogramed on the bag. 3Doodle Bugs also has a large selection of things other than lunch bags, like kids clothes, accessories, backpacks, and bags. To check out more about this awesome lunchbox and all the different thread and font choices there are go here. And if you are in the market to get anything monogramed don't forget to check out 3 Doodle Bugs! Remember that if you haven't entered yet there is still time. The giveaway closes Friday at 10:00 AM. To enter go to the original post here and leave a comment!
I hope you all are as excited about this Back to School giveaway as I am! Today I wanted to tell you all about the super cute backpacks that were donated for our giveaway. ![]() The first one comes from an Etsy shop called Libby’s Sisters. Kathleen runs the shop and she is an RN and really wanted to donate because she loved the idea of a support system for people married to the medical field. The backpack she donated is one of their junior sized backpacks. It is so cute and is the perfect size for an elementary school student. It has a good sized front pocket for smaller things and a mesh water bottle holder on one side. The fabric is a great quality and will definitely stand up to what your kids can throw at it. The backpack that we have for our winner is an awesome hot pink and white chevron design and the colors are so bright. It is great! I’m having a hard time not keeping this one for my daughter. You should really go check out Libby’s Sisters and see all of the cute bags they have! ![]() The second backpack we have is from Lauren at Our Monogram Boutique. Lauren has lots of fun bags to choose from and then she will monogram your bag however you want. Whoever wins can pick a backpack off of the Etsy site and Lauren will monogram it for you. My daughter picked out a backpack and is in love with it. She picked out the hot pink Sadie design and had her initials put on in light blue. The bag has 3 different zipper pockets and has a small zipper pocket on the size and a mesh water bottle holder on the other side. The small front pocket has lots of pockets and organizers to help keep things in place. The bag is made of high quality material and will definitely hold up well. The size we ordered would be better for older kids because it is larger and can hold more things. Go and check out Our Monogram Boutique and see all of the cute bags they can personalize for you. Don’t forget to enter the Back to School giveaway here on the original post by telling me if you are excited or sad for school to start (and if you don’t have school age kids or kids at all you can still enter to win by telling me the best thing you did this summer). The giveaway closes on Friday morning at 10:00.
![]() Can you believe that it is August already and that school starts in less than 2 weeks?!? Where has the summer gone? To help everyone get ready to send their fun kidos back to school I thought a back to school give away would be perfect. I have been searching high and low for the cutest stuff and have found two super cute backpacks, lunch bags, lunchbox notes, a gift certificate to Littlest Prince, a hairbow made by our very own Jamie Walpole, and a skirt from ShelleyBee Originals and that means... 2 WINNERS! Keep checking the blog because everyday, until Friday, I am going to feature one of the awesome prizes that were donated. To enter the giveaway leave a comment telling me if you are excited or sad that school is starting and how many kids you have in school this year. Oh and if you don't have school age kids (or kids of your own) yet, you are still welcome to enter! Just tell me what your favorite part of summer was! Enjoy your last 2 weeks of summer and don't forget to enter to win our Back to School Giveaway! The giveaway closes on Friday at 10:00 AM and I will post our winners shortly after! Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a great week. We are going to get to know 2 more of our fun officers. Sarah is our Entertainment Club Officer and Jess is our S.O.S. Officer. Take it away Ladies! ![]() Hey everyone! I am Sarah Bazelak. This is my second year with Iowa Medical Partners, but my first year serving as the Entertainment Club Officer. My husband, Martin, is a third year Internal Medicine Resident. Martin will be completing his residency in June 2015 and will either be pursuing a Palliative Care Fellowship or a Hospitalist position. Unfortunately at this point, we do not know if we will be in Iowa for another year or headed back to Wisconsin (we are both from the Milwaukeearea) which makes the planner in me go crazy! I am a Registered Respiratory Therapist and I work full-time at a Level 1 Trauma Center in Milwaukee, WI. My schedule varies, but I usually end up working about a week on followed by a week off. It can get incredibly hectic with me being gone every other week, but I can absolutely say without hesitation that I LOVE my job. Martin and I are high school sweethearts that met in U.S. History (no pun intended) our sophomore year. We got married in Belize during Martin’s 4th year of med school right before he started a month long medical mission trip there. So we had our honeymoon before our wedding (which was just the two of us, no family) and then I had back to the U.S. the next day. What can I say, Martin and I are crazy people that like to make everything more complicated for ourselves, lol. We do not have any children or pets but hope to have both within the next couple of years once things settle down a bit. I love going for walks, painting, drawing, interior design, crafting, shopping, and reading. Also, if you catch me watching TV, which I admit is often, it will probably be either HGTV or USA—Suits, anyone? Iowa has been a very welcoming home, no seriously the people here are some of the nicest people I have met. One thing I would encourage everyone to do while being here is to set aside money in their budget to go out and explore the impressive array of restaurants and other establishments in the area. Not only is it a great way to get comfortable with your surroundings, but it allows your significant other and you to get out and have a relaxing time enjoying delicious food and events! And if he/she isn’t available, you can always ask me to join you. I look forward to meeting each of you and hope you can make it out to at least one of the Entertainment Club events! ![]() Hey Everyone! My name is Jess Hicks, and I am theSpouses.Out.Socializing. officer. My husband, Michael, is a second year Anesthesiology Resident. I have two wonderful children, Alice-3 and Declan-9 months, who keep me pretty busy, as well as a dog named Buckeye! I’m originally from Ohio, moved to North Carolina as a kid. I met and married Michael in college (University of North Carolina at Greensboro-Biology major), and by married I mean we got married two weeks before my graduation (gulp)! Three months later wemoved to Blacksburg, Virginia for Medical School, and thenended up in good ol’ Iowa for Residency! So far we really enjoy being here! I love to read books and watch movies (so if anyone is ever bored and wants to watch something, I’m your girl)! I can’t wait to get to know some of you other IMP members this year! Go out and get to know Sarah and Jess better at the next S.O.S. Or Entertainment Club (or both)!
We had a great time at Coach's Corner the other night. A big thank you to those who came. Can't wait for next months S.O.S.!
Good morning and welcome to August (a day late, oops)! Here is "what's up" with medical partners this month.
August 5 Book Club will be reviewing "Loving Frank" at Molly Daniel's house at 10:00 August 8 Playgroup will be at the Coralville Aquatic Center at 10:00 August 12 Children's Activities will be at Kent Park at 10:30 August 16 WELCOME PICNIC for IMP members and their families August 19 SOS is at Blackstone at 7:00 August 23 Entertainment Club will be taking us for a hike at Lake MacBride at 9:00 August 26 Playgroup will be at Penn Meadows Park at 10:00 We hope to see you at our activities! There are also some fun events in our community this month. West Branch is holding Hover. Hometown Days August 1-2 Lisbon is holding Sauerkraut Days August 7-9 Iowa City is holding FryFest August 29 Have a great August! |
March 2023