Today I wanted to share something awesome that I came across. It is a complete household management system! If your life is anything like mine, where you are jumping from appointment to appointment, balancing sports and dance and school activities, and trying to squeeze in some quality time with the Doc when he is around, and on top of all of that you still have to balance the bank account, make sure that all the bills are paid on time, get the grocery shopping done and meals cooked. Its a busy life! Here is where the Perennial Planner Home Management System comes in.
This system is a series of pages you can edit and print off yourself when you need them. It comes with calendars, dates to remember pages, cleaning schedules, to do lists, honey do lists (wishful thinking for when the Docs are home), chore lists for your kids, weekly planners, and so much more!
To enter this giveaway please leave me a comment telling me how you like to keep your house organized. For an extra entry go and Like her Facebook page, just leave a separate comment saying you did. Thank you again Sarah!