I am thankful for my husbands paycheck! It may be way far away from what the "real" doctors make but it sure beats living off of student loans. Kind of makes us feel like real grown ups (just in case being married, having children and buying a house didn't do that).
I am thankful for Iowa! Before you ask me if I've gone crazy, how could I be thankful to live somewhere where the weather drops into the negatives in the winter and is so humid and hot during the summer and where all there is for miles and miles are corn and soy bean fields. Well, let me tell you, I love the seasons, I love the feel of community and the friendly people, and I love that now I'm living a little closer to family so they can come visit more.
I am thankful for heated blankets! Remember we have really long, cold winters here!
I am thankful for Netflix! It keeps me company during those long nights while the Dr. Hubby is at work.
And I am thankful for Medical Partners! I am so happy that I found this group full of amazing people who are on this crazy journey with me. I am so glad that we have a place to come together and create friendships that will last us a lifetime, I am thankful for YOU!
What are some things you are thankful for?