Diary of a Resident's Wife: Acronym Confession
His name is Paul and he’s an acronym-aholic. (“Hi, Paul”). I’m not sure if the rest of you feel the way I do about these medical acronyms, but I pretty much loathe them. No matter how many times Paul tells me what the letters stand for, I can never remember. I should probably be a better wife and put more effort into committing the meanings to memory, but somehow I have managed to put off learning them for 3+ years of residency.
Whether it’s CA-1, PGY-3, ASA, CRNA, ASC, AFIB, AOD, AOA, SICU, DAW or the nine million others floating around in my dinner conversation, I find myself creating some of my own just to pass the time (and to alleviate my occasional boredom).
So, without further ado, I’ll share some of my own little acronyms to see if the rest of you can relate . . .
YLMAHA – You Lost Me An Hour Ago. Self-explanatory for the aforementioned acronym-filled conversations.
YFADTM – You Fell Asleep During The Movie. When they wake up and want you to explain the plot for a 1.5 hour movie, for which they were only awake for the opening credits.
YMDA – You Missed Dinner Again. Womp womp.
IMOMNBL – I May Or May Not Be Listening. More often than I’d like to admit.
ITIRT – Is That In Resident Time? Because “I’ll be home soon” in Resident Time means “I’ll be home when I finish rotating with my patients, complete my notes, change out of my scrubs, walk to my car, and drive home.” AKA five million hours later.
WDATTCF – Where Did All These Textbooks Come From? Anyone else’s textbook stash seem to quadruple every two months? I know ours does.
NFENB – Night Float Equals Netflix Binge. Need I say more?
Some of these are sillier than others, but hey . . . we’ve got to keep things interesting, right!? Anyone else have any made-up acronyms to share? Bonus points for explanations!
Have a great week!